Avoid admin fees
Another really safe way to give to BHP is by giving directly into our bank account (details listed below).
Acc. Name: The Brierley Hill Project Charitable Trust
Sort Code: 40-43-17
Acc. Number: 2216 5759
If you’d like to Gift Aid this donation and/or future gifts to BHP we will need you to fill in the form below (don’t worry its really quick).
learn about your impact
Even small gifts can make a big impact within the BHP
£10.00 - Pays for essential items for a client (eg. bus tickets to get to appointments)
£20.00 - Pays for one mentoring session
£50.00 - Pays for one week pitch hire to provide around 50 young people to play football
FAQ’s about donating to BHP
Online giving incurs an administrative fee, either paid by the giver (you) or the recipient (BHP).
If you’d like to avoid payment of administration fees. We can arrange that. Simply pay directly to our bank account (scroll up to find the details).
You can fundraise in any way you wish. We partner with Just Giving to enable generous people like yourself to fundraise directly and safely online. Scroll up and tap the “Start fundraising for Brierley Hill Project” to begin a new fundraising campaign.
If you’d like to speak to our team about fundraising ideas, we are happy to chat.
Gift Aid is a government scheme for UK charities to reclaim the tax you have paid and gain 25% more at no cost or hassle to you.