New Home for the BHP
We are very excited to share that we have moved premises. We are a short walk away from our previous location; Bank Street, in Brierley Hill (where else!). Our new home is the very lovely house located next to Brierley Hill Methodist Church. The house offers a warm and welcoming space for anyone needing our support and has several private rooms for one to one appointments.
The lounge offers a comfortable environment whilst you wait or there are computers available for use in the lounge during the open access times. Better still it has a large private back garden for us to use in the warmer months. Our open sessions take place every Monday and Wednesday from 11.45am – 1.45pm. Important note that whilst we have moved premises the larger and much improved foodbank will remain at South Street Baptist Church. To obtain a food parcel you must have a food voucher. BHP will still issue food vouchers. We would like take this opportunity to thank South Street Baptist Church for all the support, encouragement and provision given to the Brierley Hill Project over the last 15 years. We are incredibly thankful for this time of working together in partnership and we look forward to continuing to support each other in the future.
Our new address is 24 Bank Street, Brierley Hill, DY5 3DA.
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